Measure H - Defeated in 2020
Measure H Statement
“To improve the quality of education facilities; upgrade classrooms, restrooms and schools; repair/replace roofs; and renovate electrical/plumbing/sewer systems; shall Black Oak Mine Unified School District’s measure be adopted authorizing the issuance of $29,868,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, generating on average $1,653,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 4.9 cents per $100 assessed value, with audits, independent citizen’ oversight committee, no money for salaries, and all money on local projects?”
Measure H Information
School Sites -Schools as Center of Community
Northside Elementary School
Georgetown Elementary School
Otter Creek Elementary School
American River Charter School
Divide High School
Golden Sierra Junior Senior High School
Measure H School Improvements/Projects
- Make health, safety and security improvements, including repair/replace roofs
- Modernize/renovate classrooms to meet 21st century education standards
- Improve student access to computers and modern technology
- Upgrade inadequate electrical systems
- Modernize outdated classrooms, offices, restrooms and school facilities
- Upgrade or replace outdated temporary portable classrooms
- Improve student safety at drop-off and pick-up areas
- Replace existing wiring systems to meet current electrical and accessibility codes and increase capacity
- All Federal and State-mandated Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility upgrades including site access, parking, staff and student restrooms, relocation of some existing electrical devices, drinking fountains, playground equipment, etc.
- Federal and State-mandated Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety upgrades including playground equipment replacement
- Upgrade school site parking, roadways, utilities and grounds
- Repair, replace and/or upgrade paved surfaces, turf, and other grounds to eliminate safety hazards
- Make energy-efficient improvements