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Community Service Fundraiser Grant

Community Service Fundraiser Grant

Grant Application Form


The Georgetown Youth Fund has community service projects lined up with the Black Oak Mine Unified School districts at the Georgetown Nature Area or Amphitheater adjacent to the Georgetown Elementary School.  Projects can include trail maintenance (ranking, small brush removal, but no heavy equipment), painting, upgrading trail signs, or other projects that can be easily coordinated with school district maintenance.  The School district can provide most tools or equipment needed and coordinate dates and details.  Here is an opportunity for fundraising. Youth groups  based in Georgetown, or the Georgetown Divide may apply to be awarded a $1,000 Community Service Fund Raiser Grant from the Georgetown Youth Fund.

Stipulations: Provide 50 hours of community service projects within a reasonable amount of time and have adult supervision (may vary depending on project).  

We are looking to support youth group programs in Georgetown (can be music, church, athletics, leadership, education, or other), and have the group (or individual) earn the support by providing 50  hours (collectively) needed community service.  Black Oak Mine Unified School District has a few service projects ready, and will provide equipment needed).   In some cases, the service project may include district personnel or other volunteer groups to help coordinate and complete projects. Three $1000 Grants  will be selected per year.