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Grizz Vidz

Grizz Vidz is a new monthly video feature of programs and activities at Golden Sierra. Thank you to teacher Erica Phillips for her creativity and dedication to this video spotlight. This month, we shine a spotlight on our Peer Advocates program, led by Mr. Bryant. These outstanding student leaders receive specialized training in mentorship and leadership, equipping them to support their peers in times of need. Whether it’s a listening ear or guidance through challenges, our Peer Advocates are here to help!

If your student could use peer support, we encourage them to connect with a Peer Advocate, Mr. Bryant, or a school counselor. Watch this month’s Grizz Vidz episode below to see the Peer Advocates in action! Thank you to Addison Stoffregen, Sarah Parr, and Angie Cuellar Mendaz for their hard work on this project.


Grizz Vidz: Peer Advocates